Breathing Room


PUBLICATION: The Australian

JOURNALIST: Sarah-Jane Tasker

Accommodation services provider The MAC Services Group posted double-digit share growth on Wednesday after reporting better than expected half-year results. Net profit for the half year to December was up 13.9 per cent to $13.79 million from the previous corresponding period. 

The MAC Services Group is Australia’s largest mining accommodation and services operation. It will pay a fully franked interim dividend of 4.5 cents per share, an increase of 0.25 cents over the final dividend for 2009. 

During the tougher economic climate, the company took the opportunity to carry out improvements such as road and car parking upgrades, replacement of older rooms with new ensuite rooms and dining room refurbishments to remain competitive with rivals. The share price has climbed 2.12 per cent since hitting a record low in March last year.
